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Marcus Ross, Australia

"Genese was amazing. You can tell that she is so empathetic to her clients and took the time to listen intently to my situation and goals. Working with Genese empowered me to become clear on the next steps to feel more comfortable in putting myself out there again. Thank you so much Genese."

Elana Sadok, Massachusetts

Hired a confident coach online to help with their dating life. They didn't realize they have all the power when it comes to dating until now.
"G is the BEST dating coach. I did not even know I needed her until we started coaching sessions. I have never really been comfortable dating and she has reminded me time and time again what it means to be worthy of love. She has taught me that my worth is up to me and no one else can decide that for me. With her help, I am able to  look deep within myself to uncover my shadows and triggers. Not only has she helped me navigate the dating scene and help me to understand my feelings but she has also helped me with my familial relationships. She is empowering and a guiding light into the darkness of my shadows."
Hired a confidence coach online because they didn't feel worthy of love based on their looks. They are now living royally confident.

Kione Peoples, Florida

I give you 5stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ! You definitely helped me out a lot so far I came a long way. You listen and give me great advice, great suggestions and difficulties tools and methods to help me get to the point i'm trying to be at. I most definitely would recommend anyone to your sessions they help you out alot !🙌🏾🙌🏾

Sheila Than, California

"Genese helps me to see myself, about my own value and self worth. I used to believe I don't deserve some of the things or person in life and I had childhood trauma from mom. She helped a lot and now I feel much better. I believe I deserve whatever I want in life and I don't have to be afraid of others.
Genese is passionate at what she does and she wants to help you. She speaks slow and soft which I like and which makes me calm and can think better when I am having trouble with these difficult past."

Jacob Fite, California

"Genese Malone is a realashonship guide to sanity in ones self and in becoming the ryght person for ourself in regards to finding the right partner she is helping me move on from past toxic drama so one day when I’m ready start the healing journey and start heading towards the absolute best version of my self thank you miss for your help on the road to recovery and healing five outa five stars for this dating coachar, we made out and it was fucking amazing. She's the most beautiful women l've ever laid eyes on, we're definitely seeing each other again. Thank you for you helping me find my confidence."

Rae-Anne Richards, NYC

"Genese’s 7 Day Self Love Challenge was very eye opening. She is very professional and it was very nice to see her in her element. She genuinely wants to provide the best possible support for woman who are ready to embark on their self love/ self confidence journey. Hearing her personal stories about what she went through in the past and how she overcame it was very inspiring and it made me feel comfortable enough to open up and share my stories as well."

Anna Hada, TX

"Genese’s self love challenge was truly an eye-opening experience. I was challenged to forgive myself and to reshape the way I think about boundaries and my body, as well as personality positivity. There were things I had never thought to question. Genese created a safe environment for our fellow women to feel safe and speak our minds free of judgement. Genese taught me how beneficial it is to love myself and how other aspects of my life can improve through self love."

Eva Judicka, UK

"The 7 Day self-love challenge was something completely out of my comfort zone. Overall, I found the experience highly positive. This was thanks to Genese’s ability to be professional while still remaining very relatable and open to hearing about everyone’s experiences. I also really enjoyed the intimate group setting, in which I was able to hear and connect to other participants over our past experiences. The workshop, without me even expecting it, made me reflect on aspects of myself which I did not before pay any attention to. This was eye-opening. I would definitely recommend this workshop to anyone and everyone."

Katherine Mack , IL

"I enjoyed participating in Genese's 7-Day Royal Self-Love Challenge. Although I've done spurts of self-examination throughout my life, I have never done in such an intensive way as I have with these exercise. The most important stages of the challenge for me were defining boundaries, and forgiveness and acceptance. I have never considered that boundaries can be too rigid. And forgiveness is still difficult for me because of the impact of past experiences. But I am hopeful. I am a work in progress, and these Self-Love Challenge tools will continue to help me in the future."

Katherine Mack , IL

"Goddess Genese’s 7-Day Royal Self-Love Challenge is the real deal!! Thank you so much for sharing the space to help guide me throughout my 7 day Royal Self-Love journey. Thank you for sharing your heart, compassion, empathy, knowledge and confidence, for this helped me unlock my own confidence to truly love myself. We dived deep and got honest with learning how to set boundaries show gratitude for our own strengths, how to shift my inner dialog and with forgiveness and grace. I feel so grateful to have taken this challenge and embraced the path of true self-love. Thank you Genese for making me feel Royally Confident."
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