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Ready to break free from self-doubt? Join our 7-day self-love challenge for those who've endured toxic relationships. Let's reclaim your worth together.

You've just taken the first major step towards unconditional love for oneself, which is to take action, and you should be proud!

Join the 7-Day Self-Love Challenge

Let go of superficial beauty, so you can finally love yourself for who you are right now.

This challenge is ideal for you if...

  • You’re looking for ways to be kinder to yourself and feel more at peace, so you can cultivate happiness from within and radiate it outwards into every aspect of your life.

  • You’ve who want to feel strong and sure of yourself after a rough time, so you can reclaim your confidence and navigate life's challenges with resilience and determination.

  • You’re seeking guidance to trust and love yourself after feeling betrayed or hurt in love, so you can heal from past wounds, rebuild self-trust, and embrace a future where you love and honor yourself unconditionally.

  • You’re trying to figure out how to set healthy boundaries after a bad relationship, so you can establish boundaries that prioritize your well-being, foster healthier relationships, and protect your emotional health.


Day 1 Self-Love Through Healthy Boundaries

  • Today, we're talking about setting good boundaries with yourself. We'll look at what boundaries that are too strict or too lax are like, and figure out what a healthy boundary should be. Then, we'll talk about how you can make those healthy boundaries a part of your life.

Day 2 Love for One's Body

  • Day 2 will focus on rewiring your subconscious mind to appreciate the aspects of your body that you might consider imperfections, recognizing them as unique elements of your beautiful body.

Day 3 Embracing your Personality

  • On Day 3, we'll dive into embracing your personality fully. We'll explore strategies for improving aspects of yourself that you feel need work while also learning to embrace and celebrate the parts of your personality that others may view negatively.

Day 4 Affirmations for Lasting Self-Love

  • On Day 4, we'll explore the power of affirmations in nurturing self-love and manifesting positivity in your life. We'll discuss why affirmations are effective tools and explore various ways you can integrate them into your daily routine to shift your perspective and experience transformative change.

Day 5 Forgiveness & Acceptance

  • On Day 5, we'll delve into the process of forgiving others for the hurt they've caused and releasing the burden of regret for choices you wish you'd made differently. This doesn't mean excusing others' actions, but rather freeing yourself from the pain that holds you back. By embracing forgiveness, we can pave the way for genuine self-love and move forward towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Day 6 Gratitude & Appreciation

  • On Day 6, we'll explore the energy of gratitude through quick and easy 10-minute practices. These techniques will help you feel gratitude deeply, elevating your mood and outlook on life. As you raise your vibration, you'll find more joy in your daily experiences and notice positive shifts in your overall mood and perspective.

Day 7 Mastering Self-Love Through Consistency

  • On our final day, we'll explore the importance of consistency in your self-love journey. We'll discuss various strategies to help you maintain a consistent daily routine, drawing parallels between consistency in self-love and mastering a new skill like learning an instrument. By staying consistent, you can cultivate self-love and witness a transformation in your mood and perspective, empowering you to embrace life with renewed positivity and clarity.

Once completed, you'll have essential tools for self-love, yet detailed cultivation requires enrolling in Embark on Self-Love: 45 Days to Unshakeable Confidence course.



1. Feel More Confident

So you can wear that bikini without feeling embarrassed.


2. Love Yourself More

So you can stop hating yourself and love who you are unconditionally.


3. Achieve More 

So you can have the confidence to do things you'd never thought you'd do.

About Me

My name is Genese Malone

After enduring a toxic relationship for 4 years it shattered my self-worth, leading to destructive validation-seeking and contracting HPV for 3 years. Hitting a realization to take care of myself, for 4 years of soul-searching, affirmations, therapy, self-love practices it has brought self-love and confidence into my life. Embracing my imperfections with compassion and love, I cherish joyous moments, realizing my worthiness of love and happiness. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery together, transforming perspectives and embracing unwavering self-love for a brighter, more fulfilling future. Together, we'll navigate the path to healing, growth, and empowerment, inspiring others to find their inner strength and embrace their unique journey toward self-acceptance and happiness.

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Client Success

Eva Judika, UK

"The 7 Day self-love challenge was something completely out of my comfort zone. Overall, I found the experience highly positive. This was thanks to Genese’s ability to be professional while still remaining very relatable and open to hearing about everyone’s experiences. I also really enjoyed the intimate group setting, in which I was able to hear and connect to other participants over our past experiences. The workshop, without me even expecting it, made me reflect on aspects of myself which I did not before pay any attention to. This was eye-opening. I would definitely recommend this workshop to anyone and everyone."

Rae-Anne Richards, NY

"Genese’s 7 Day Self Love Challenge was very eye opening. She is very professional and it was very nice to see her in her element. She genuinely wants to provide the best possible support for woman who are ready to embark on their self love/ self confidence journey. Hearing her personal stories about what she went through in the past and how she overcame it was very inspiring and it made me feel comfortable enough to open up and share my stories as well. "

Anna Hada, TX

"Genese’s self love challenge was truly an eye-opening experience. I was challenged to forgive myself and to reshape the way I think about boundaries and my body, as well as personality positivity. There were things I had never thought to question. Genese created a safe environment for our fellow women to feel safe and speak our minds free of judgement. Genese taught me how beneficial it is to love myself and how other aspects of my life can improve through self love."

Katherine Mack, IL

"I enjoyed participating in Genese's 7-Day Royal Self-Love Challenge.  Although I've done spurts of self-examination throughout my life, I have never done in such an intensive way as I have with these exercise.  The most important stages of the challenge for me were defining boundaries, and forgiveness and acceptance.  I have never considered that boundaries can be too rigid.  And forgiveness is still difficult for me because of the impact of past experiences.  But I am hopeful.  I am a work in progress, and these Self-Love Challenge tools will continue to help me in the future."
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